Monday, October 18, 2010

Top Five Mistakes Managers Make and How to Avoid Them

Managers play the role of business coaches by leading and directing the professional lives of their teams. They assist their employees in gaining self confidence, efficiency and satisfaction. Managers can help sort out work obstacles and career problems. However for some, keeping their team motivated, aligned and optimistic can be very challenging.

Often managers find it difficult to retain a long-term outlook and prove incapable of leading a team efficiently in hard times. They can make mistakes fatal to the business and life of their company. Some such mistakes are discussed below and a few simple tips are provided to help avoid them.

Tip 1: Insufficient communication: Lack of communication with the employees and irregular updates on the state of affairs keep the managers ignorant of and unable to define problems. Sufficient and regular communication with the team must be observed. The employees should be updated on necessary information just as the managers should be kept informed.

Tip 2: Changing goal posts: Shifting goal posts too frequently can cause bigger problems than initially appears. It makes a team lose focus, therefore, it is better to define targets properly and lead the team consistently towards them. Policies may be changed after careful consideration of their long term implications.

Tip 3: Eliminating employee training and customer services: In hard times managers make a mistake by eliminating employee training to cut out expenses. Absence of proper communication and training shifts the focus of employees from positive to negative. Customer services and amenities are also targeted in cost cutting measures. This might create a backlash of customer dissatisfaction. Managers can improve systems and processes to prevent inefficiencies instead of eliminating employee training and customer services.

Tip 4: Not realising the needs of the team: Efficient managers understand the needs and concerns of their employees and plan ahead according to their capabilities.

Tip 5: Not taking responsibility: Managers are accountable for failure or success and shying away from taking responsibility might damage the credibility. Therefore, it is better to admit one's mistakes and take responsibility.

Avoiding these mistakes can make managers coach their teams better for higher efficiency, thereby generating greater job satisfaction, which makes employees gain happiness and brings greater success.

All the best,
Natalie Dee

London Life Coach & Business Coach, London UK
Certified High Performance Coach & Master NLP Practitioner

Natalie Dee, London Life Coach works in the area of lifestyle management as a London life coach, using life coaching with confidence coaching and NLP both in London and throughout the UK, applying techniques such as NLP, EFT and Hypnotherapy to improve levels of self-confidence as well as relationships, personal health, finance and career. Life coaching London, UK and worldwide available.

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and self-esteem to achieve all that you want.
The Top Five Mistakes Teachers Make and How to Avoid Them