Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Re-package the Pain

When my client used this phrase the other day, I thought it was so great I asked him if it would be OK to share it in a blog.

Just like many of us, there’s often some not-so-desirable administration work to do. I’m sure you know what I’m talking about.

If we are able to re-package the pain of those tasks into a smaller area of our world, in our minds eye we can reframe it as small, achievable and therefore do-able.

The best part of this is that when we regularly complete those mundane yet necessary tasks, and can ‘tick them off’ our to-do list, we feel better and happier, and generally more confident.

Tell me about those ‘painful’ tasks you’d like to re-package.

All the best,
Natalie Dee

London Life Coach & Business Coach, London UK
Certified High Performance Coach & Master NLP Practitioner

Natalie Dee, London Life Coach works in the area of lifestyle management as a London life coach, using life coaching with confidence coaching and NLP both in London and throughout the UK, applying techniques such as NLP, EFT and Hypnotherapy to improve levels of self-confidence as well as relationships, personal health, finance and career. Life coaching London, UK and worldwide available.

Do you want to learn how to have the self-confidence to lead a more fulfilling life? Be sure to read the tell-all guide Self-Confidence Building in 7 Steps to rocket your self-confidence
and self-esteem to achieve all that you want.