Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Natalie-Dee: Lifestyle Management

Lifestyle Management:

Thinking about Life Coaching? Often people ask me how do they know if it is a Life Coach they need to see. Noone can decide for you, it is a very personal decision.

If you do want to know if it is time to meet with a Life Coach, you could ask yourself these 4 questions:

1. Am I fed up with driving around in circles and getting nowhere?
2. Am I aware of my own limiting beliefs and patterns that have kept me where I am
until now?
3. Can I face up to my own home truths?
4. Do I believe I can work through any excuses that have held me back so far in my life? "

How About Hypnotherapy

How: Hypnotherapy:

How about hypnotherapy to clear issues like fears, phobias, smoking, weight, etc.

These are the words of one of my clients: "'Natalie's hypnotherapy sessions are my favourite and they are a great tool to help many issues or ongoing difficulties that you may face. There is no need to be dubious about hypnotherapy as all it is, is a form or relaxation where Natalie talks to your subconscious, the part of our mind that controls us.

When experiencing hypnotherapy, you are completely aware and can talk and interact with Natalie or just relax and let her find the route of your anxiety where she helps you to overcome outdated habits and negative beliefs, building confidence and positivity, waking refreshed with a weight lifted from your shoulders and a big smile on your face' "