Monday, September 20, 2010

The Blackberry!!

A typical issue that comes up again and again in sessions with my professional clients is how to manage the Blackberry when going on holiday. Most often it comes down to the question of: what does the need to reply to emails instantly really mean to you? Yes, lots of people do it, but also lots of people manage to switch off and focus on themselves, their family, or the people they're with.
Only this week, a client raised this question. It took him a few moments to realise that it his Blackberry makes him feel important and gives him a sense of value and self-worth. Yet he always comes back from holiday feeling that he hasn't really switched off. Surprise, surprise!
We set in motion a simple exercise for his forthcoming holiday. Every time he felt the urge to check his Blackberry, he was to first ask himself a question: what is more important - my job or my holiday? By increasing awareness in this way, he would be able to respond from choice rather than react by default.
The outcome is about learning to consider yourself important, about having a higher sense of self-worth and self-esteem.
All the best,
Natalie Dee

London Life Coach & Business Coach, London UK
Certified High Performance Coach & Master NLP Practitioner

Natalie Dee, London Life Coach works in the area of lifestyle management as a London life coach, using life coaching with confidence coaching and NLP both in London and throughout the UK, applying techniques such as NLP, EFT and Hypnotherapy to improve levels of self-confidence as well as relationships, personal health, finance and career. Life coaching London, UK and worldwide available.

Do you want to learn how to have the self-confidence to lead a more fulfilling life? Be sure to read the tell-all guide Self-Confidence Building in 7 Steps to rocket your self-confidence and self-esteem to achieve all that you want.
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